This beach convinced me. Sihanoukville

Almost every country in any part of the world that kisses the ocean has their beach to be proud of. Being in South East Asia, Cambodia has it's own too.

Think tropical weather, pine trees, add white sand beaches then crystal clear waters, a good variety of coral reef fishes which means definitely snorkeling spots, diving operators, small wooden motorized boats up to speed ferries, fishing trips, island hoping, sea side massages all that on top of bars and local restaurants to satisfy your gastric and alcohol needs, Yes Sihanoukville is all that and more.

A few years ago it was dubbed as one of the best beaches in Asia arguably the world, one of the reasons why is because Cambodia itself is one of those places who never experiences hurricanes nor typhoons. The most the country gets is the heavy monsoon rain and the occasional heat wave during the hot season.

Beaches, there is plenty for everyone, there is atleast (this means there are other beaches) 5 beaches in the main land alone two of which are named after the biggest luxury hotels in the province which gives you the sense it is somewhat private land.

The third beach is closer to the commercial port which also has the larger concentration of budget accommodations. 

Another one you can say is quite a narrow strip of beach but it's where you find most of the party at night.

The last one of the five is a 4 kilometer stretch with not much activity compared to the prior this is mostly where you can relax swinging slowly with your sun glasses on, half naked in a hammock while sipping pinacollada from a coconut.

Talking about accommodations there is an option for almost everyone. Fancy resorts mainly for those who can afford and aims for a good RnR (rest and relaxation) for people who wants some place quiet. 

Average guest houses for people who wants a place with decent facilities (a good bed and a proper shower), a just need a quick getaway from the city life while considering that it doesn't break the bank. 

For those who is in it for an adventure or probably just chose the free nomad life there are back packer guest houses, it is ussually composed of multiple bunk beds, with just enough room for you to sleep the night, theses places have absoulutely zero fanciness so a power outlet, a lightbulb, a bed and probably a fan during the hot season, it is somewhat like a military bunker barracks.

Must Dos in Sihanoukville:

1. Island boat trip combo

Pretty much everything you need in one go, below are pictures of one of the few trusted boat operators you can find. And yes, just like anywhere there is a risk of not getting what you paid for. So it is highly recommended to get reviews first.

They offer a pretty complete set, they can pick you up from the hotel to get you in the boat in time, serve as your boat tour guide, serve food for your lunch, stop at snorkeling spots and provide the gear,  have you hopping over 3 places and drop you off on any of them if you choose, you can also go fishing and the best of all they have a bar, for your afternoon coffee n' tea and they know how to keep their beers cold depending on your preference.

2. Relax

There is nothing much to discuss, forget about the office or whatever causing you to crinkle your forehead. Stop doing anything, enjoy nature, do some yoga, clear your mind. listen to the waves crash on the sand while having a massage. 

3. Ride a horse.

Yes that's right, not everyone knows it, there is a horse ranch that will let you take their horses for that inner cowboy "black stallion" or "amazon shore wonder woman" movie feeling or if you just wanna go for that romantic couple on a horse at a beach look, this will be for you. Just take note these are asian horses so anyone close to 187lbs (approx 85 kgs) or more then none of the horses can carry you.

 Yes! You can choose to swim with them :)


1. Cash in US Dollars (mostly 1s, 5s and 10s) it would be awkward not to have it, plastic (credit cards) are not exactly popular here.

2. Slippers and swim wear.

3. Back up clothes. You would never know when you suddenly need to take a quick dip at the very alluring ocean.

4. Sunblock. Yes some people may think it's bad for your skin, but that is only if you use it on a daily basis for a long period of time. The last thing you want is having a bad sun burn breaking your focus when you are back at work after the vacay.

5. A good enough camera, living the moment is one thing but having a few photos to look back into is always a nice thing, it doesn't really matter if you have a basic camera, a fancy action cam, a dslr or an expensive waterproof phone, just have something to capture the moments.

6. Patience, almost everyone goes to the beach for the same reason. It's for a vacation, there is NO NEED to RUSH.

7. First aid kit and or prescribed medication. From getting scratch from snorkeling by the coral reefs around or just having an asthma attack, allergies, high blood pressure, etc..., keep 'em with you just in case.

8. Chargers. Whether it be phone or any other gadget, with the modern world today it is a must although a lot of people still occasionally forget them.

9. A map. Most people would have a smartphone anyway so google maps would do, this serves for 2 things, 1 for self navigation when you want to get to certain places on your own and 2 to show other people where you want to go especially if you got lost :)


It's the beach, you can pretty much walk barefoot if you are not going down town or on the islands.

For the basics there are motorcycle taxis (motodop) and rickshaws (tuktuks) you can rent for as low as a dollar (1 USD) for short distances like a quick trip downtown, the fees depends on where you start.

Private Cars/ Vans and Taxis (SUV shuttle service), you can find them on hotels and more likely some signboards all over the beach, sometimes you would even have drivers waiving at you from the road side. These are normally if you either have lots of bags / have difficulty hopping on and off a motorcycle or travelling farther than downtown.

Buses. There is a bus terminal located downtown these are normally set to ride for the capital or other provinces.


It is accessible by land by with buses and cars, sometimes with adventure bike rides, by air there is an airport here, although a little limited it is enough to have flights that connects it to bigger places like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap and even by sea, you  may observe that some smaller cruise ships does tendering service to get here.


CASINOS, but don't expect casino royal, las vegas nor macau style. Note that YES they are owned mostly by the Chinese (Chinese oriented Malaysians, Indonesians and possibly some Cambodians), therefore most of the clientele are generally also Chinese.

WATERFALLS and the National Park. If you decide to run away from the beaches and the islands and decide you want to get some cold fresh water from the mountains, you will find your self more likely in the picture below at Ream National Park, this place is not so popular since the beach offers a more alluring vibe.

So this is Sihanoukville in a nutshell, if you think something was missed or needs revision, needs more attention or you just want to get more details like prices and schedule on the places featured in this article go find the contact button ask :)
